Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Virginia City

We took a day trip to Virginia City, Montana last Saturday. It is just over 2 hours away. Zach got an invitation to go with a friend to their family cabin and didn't even hesitate to take the invitation. Is he getting "too cool" for his family already? Oh boy, here we go with pre-teen attitudes! Anyway, the rest of us had a fun time walking around the old-west town. They have a lot of artifacts from mid 1800's that I thought were really interesting.

This is Brett and the kids on the trolley train that took us from Virginia City to Nevada City. (which is also an old ghost town with some original buildings)

Haley, Brayden and Nate at the entrance of the school house. Haley commented on the desks and how she wishes she had desks like those in her school.

Of course, you can't end a hot day with out ice cream! We got some at a place that makes it homemade. I ordered the small for Kacie and so was surprised when she was handed a double scoop!

I knew there was no way she could handle that! Brayden to the rescue with a bowl and just in the nick of time!

I thought I had stepped into the set of Little House on the Prairie! It brought back some memories of one of my favorite shows as a kid. We all had a nice day together but we sure missed Zach!

1 comment:

Alison said...

What a great trip! You guys do so many fun things as a family. Way to take advantage of the fun things that aren't too far away! We'll have to go over there sometime. Kacie's ice cream cone looks yummy. What a fun day for you guys!