Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Camping for the 4th!

We had a great fourth of July camping near Kilgore! We went with Brett's mom and dad and his sister Katie and her family were there for a day with us. It was so nice to get away for a few days and enjoy the outdoors!

This is a picture of us watching the fireworks with our ice cream cones. We were really close to the fireworks and had to cover the ice cream so the debris wouldn't fall in it! This is the way to go! No spending money at the firework stands and no clean up afterwards--its great!

Nate and Kacie found "nature's chair" (that's what grandpa called it) with this tree. It was really cool how it split like that--just like a little seat.

Zach and Brayden had fun riding around on their motorbikes. Zach scares me with his no-hands trick! The kids also love to spend the time playing cards with grandma. We also hiked up to Aldous Lake and fished. Zach was the only lucky angler in the group to catch a fish. Poor Nate was so sad he didn't get one.

We love to go up to the mountains and camp. It was a great way to spend the 4th!


Alison said...

That looks like so much fun! How many days were you guys camping? I only wish we had a trailer so we could go for as many days. It's just not quite the same being in a tent for that long! :) I didn't realize you were so close to the fireworks! The closer the better I say. Thanks for coming on Sunday and making it so fun. Jason got some great photos of your kids I'll have to email you the link.

Jaylynn said...

It looks like you guys are having a fun summer! I look forward to seeing you next month!

Mist said...

Kara! What a darling family. They are growing up so fast. It reminded me of the time we went camping together years ago. We had a blast. It was so fun to run across your blog on Michelle's. I just barely started my blog this week and it has been kind of fun. If you have time check it out wadeandmistygordon.blogspot.com Who knows maybe I can keep in touch with you better through blogging. Life gets so crazy. Shaylee has some pictures from her baptism that Hailey might want to see.