Sunday, March 30, 2008

D.A.R.E. Graduation

Zach had his D.A.R.E. graduation this last Saturday. Its a program that the school does for all fifth graders. The D.A.R.E. officer comes to the school and teaches them once a week about the effects of drugs and alcohol on their bodies. They also teach them about Internet safety. When the course is done they have a graduation for all the kids. The guest speaker for their graduation was Glenn Beck. It was a really neat program for everyone. We're proud of Zach for taking the challenge to never do drugs, drink alcohol, or smoke tobacco--Way to go Zach!

Zach posing with mom showing off his graduation certificate.

This a picture of Zach right after he got his certificate and shook Glenn Beck's hand. He is on the left of Glenn on his way back to his seat.


Alison said...

Good job Zach! He's almost as tall as you Kara! You're such a cute mom. Dave was telling me this morning that Glenn Beck came to Rexburg and spoke to the students. That's really neat you guys got to hear him!

Jaylynn said...

Way cool! We love Glenn Beck and watch him all the time. People think he looks like Brandon :)