Sunday, January 27, 2008

Basketball Season

This is "coach Brett" in action

Zach in action!

Brayden in action!

Our Saturdays are filled with the boys' basketball games lately. I went to the games with my camera ready and determined to get some great pictures/video. I think I need to take a photography class or something because I just can't seem to get a good clear picture. I have a good camera so that's not it--it's me I know. I think Nate or Kacie played with the setting on my camera because all the pictures were blurry. Anyway, I wanted to share what I was able to get. The video of Brayden isn't very good because you can't see him--he's behind the pole! But, I promise its him who made the basket. Brett is coaching Brayden's team this year. I think they both enjoy that. Its really fun to go to the games and cheer for them. So far both teams are undefeated--good job boys!

p.s. I accidentally posted this on the Robinson Family blog as well. Sorry for the duplicate!--oops! This blogging thing takes some practice!


Alison said...

Great action videos! That's awesome that Brett coaches. When we found out this morning that we're having another boy, the first thing Dave said was, "Think of all the sports watching we'll get to do!"

Can't wait to see you all this weekend at Haley's baptism!

Ashley Robinson said...

Cute videos!! I was going to ask you..I don't know if your having a lunch or anything after Haley's baptism but if you want me to bring anything, I'd love to! If your not that great to but just let me know I'll bring whatever you want!