Thursday, May 21, 2009

Prima Ballerina!

Kacie had her ballet recital last night. I didn't think I was ever going to get her hair slicked back like her teacher wanted. But, with A LOT of hairspray and gel we managed to make it work for at least as long as the recital lasted.

Each of the dancers got a flower at the end.

Ready to go before it started. She was smiling funny because she didn't want to mess up her big girl lipstick she had on.

I wish this one wasn't fuzzy, but I guess you have to spring for the really nice cameras to get good action shots.

Kacie on the left and her friend Jessica Lewis on the right--the little ones were the cutest!


Debi said...

She looks so CUTE! Tell her congrats on a job well done! Yes, she is the cutest :D

Brigit said...

What a cutie!! She is growing up!