Saturday, May 16, 2009

How does your garden grow?

I sent my blog posts from 2008 into a place to get published. I was so happy with how easy and fairly inexpensive it was! Because it was so easy, I want to have a lot more things in my blog so that I will have a good history of our family. I think this will change the way I blog from now on. I will probably post a lot more things that are of no interest to any but me. (which might be what you are thinking anyway) So, bare with me as I post things for my family scrapbooks.

We are really excited to have started our garden! Nate and Kacie were so cute as they carefully placed each seed in the dirt--"is this right mom? Aren't I doing a great job?" Its nice to have some help since the older boys have since outgrown their desire to help with the garden.

We can't wait until we get to harvest our crops. I just hope Nate's watermelon will actually grow here. He was so excited to plant them--we'll keep our fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Debi said...

That's a huge garden! PLUS the square foot ones, nice! We were lucky to get one of those. I hope you plan on sharing your abundance :D