Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to School!

A few pictures of the kids' first day back to school. They were so excited and ready to go. (so was I)

Haley wanted wavy pig tails for her first day. She said that everyday is awesome at school.

Nate and Haley waiting at the bus stop with some other neighbor kids. Nate was so excited to ride a bus for the first time. He saved a seat for his little friend at the next stop.

Zach--7th grade, Brayden--5th grade. Two in middle school! If they have any innocence left, they won't after middle school.

Haley--4th grade, Nate--kindergarten Watch out Mrs. Parker--here comes Nate!
The first week of school went great for everyone. Zach is bringing homework home already. They don't waste time!

1 comment:

Alison said...

How fun! Nothing like the first day of school. They all look cute and ready to go. It's hard to believe Porter and Nate are in Kindergarten, Porter's favorite thing is riding the bus. And hooray for some peace and quiet! :) I'm feeling like moms definitely deserve it after enduring the summer with everyone home!