Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hippity-Hop Olympics

Team Robinson--Let the games begin!
Ready, Set, Go!

The kids were racing on the hippity-hops the other night. They were cracking me up! They were laughing and having a great time. It was really funny to see the older kids on them! These races have since been named the hippity-hop Olympics!


Debi said...

How Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh, I don't believe I've laughed like that in a while. Way to go ZACH loved that you threw the hippity hop at the end of your race! Jace got one from mom and he loves it. We got two last Christmas for the little girls but one has already popped! Watch out for TEAM JACKSON : )

Mist said...

That looks like so much fun! Your kids play so well together! I haven't even thought about those hippity hops! I bet my kids would love them. I had one when I was a kid! Your boys are so grown up!

Alison said...

That is so fun! Looks like Zach might need a bigger size hippity hop. :) Your kids are cute, it was fun to hear them laughing. Too bad we only have one hippity hop - Porter throws it up in the air and tries to catch it. We better invest in a few more so we can race!