Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday, Zach!!

My first born turned 12 yesterday! Now, I really feel old! Zach has been such a sweet kid. I am very proud to have him as a son. What a great helper and great friend to all!

I let the kids each pick out one present for Zach. Kacie picked out this over-sized, lighted, pink clapper. She insisted. I thought it was too funny. Zach was super sweet and acted really excited about getting it. By the look on his face, that was a real stretch to do! But, like I said--he's such a sweetheart!

Happy Birthday, Zach! We are sure blessed to have you in our lives! Thanks everyone for the gifts and phone calls!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Hope you had a great birthday Zach! What a good kid you are. I remember when you were not even two and Dave and I would take you all over when we were at Grandma Bev's house. I can't believe you're 12! I hope my boys turn out to be like you. Keep it up!