Monday, April 21, 2008

Mouse Hunt

The boys have discovered that the lots behind our house are filled with mice. They went out with their bb guns one morning to hunt for mice. I looked out the window and saw Nate tagging along after them with a big stick (I think this made him feel like he was carrying a bb gun, too). It looked so cute to me to see them walking around with Nate mimicking the "big boys". They were so nice to let him tag along. Thanks goodness we have a cat that is good at mousing!

1 comment:

Alison said...

What a great place for boys, a big empty field where they can hunt mice! Zach and Brayden are such great boys. I remember how nice they were to let Kyler play frisbee with them last summer when we were camping. Nate is cute trying to be just like them.