Monday, February 11, 2008

Ready to Move!

We are packing up the rest of the house and getting ready to head over to the new one this week. My guess is that we will pack the computer soon so I wanted to make one last post before we pulled the plug. I'm not sure how long it will take us to get the computer going at our new home. So, I hope everyone has a great week and valentine's day!--"until we meet again!"


Alison said...

Hi Kara,
I just wanted to say thank for letting Porter be there with Dave yesterday! It helped so much not to have him under foot while I was trying to do Lexi's preschool. Somedays he is fine and somedays he is a little bear. So thank you! And I'm very happy for you that you're in your new house now!!! Yay! It is BEAUTIfUL!!! I can't wait to come see it with all your new furniture. Hope your feeling settled and getting unpacked, it's such a HUGE job! Good luck with it all, and hope to see you soon!

Jaylynn said...

Have fun moving and organizing and de-junking and decorating and filling up your new huge house! Send lots of pictures of it for me. I want to see the inside too!