Monday, February 25, 2008

House Pictures

Some of you wanted me to post some pictures of the inside of our house. We are still trying to get stuff put away and figure out things out. First, I have to clean up all of the construction dust--I have never seen so much dust in my life!! It is literally on every inch of the house right up to the walls and ceilings. Oh brother!! Anyway here are a few pictures. This is the master bathroom. It looks like there's a window in the shower, but its just the reflection from the window over the tub.
This is the kitchen. Try to imagine a face plate over the fridge--its coming.
This is the living room--still needs some work as far as decorating goes.
This is the family room. It is right off the kitchen. I stood in the family room when I took the picture of the kitchen.

This is the entry from the living room. The room with the french doors is where our piano is.
This picture of the entry I took standing in Brett's office. The front door is to the right. You can see into the piano room better from this angle.
Anyway, we are really excited to finally be in even though there is a lot of work left to do (mainly dusting). The ward seems really nice and the kids know other children in their primary classes which is nice. (It's nice that we only moved 4 miles) If you want a really good look come and see us! We love company!


Alison said...

GORGEOUS! Your house is beautiful! I can't wait to come see it in person and sit on that gorgeous furniture. I'm so glad you posted pictures. I hope you get all the dust! We still haven't dusted our top windows after 2 years. I feel for you! It's never-ending!

I hope you're feeling more settled and glad you like your new ward. Now we know where there's room for all the future family parties!! :)

Jaylynn said...

WOW!!! That is dang nice! Designer and custom all the way. I LOVE it! You are sooooo lucky!

Debbie said...

You have a beautiful home. I love the new furniture!! Tell the kids hi for us.

Brigit said...

Absolutely Beautiful! I love everything!! I am so excited to see it. Thanks for posting the pictures!