I was tagged by Alison to do this fun "remembering game". It has been great to think back and its been good exercise for my brain!20 years ago. . .1988
1. I was in the 8th grade
2. I had big bangs and a spiral perm
3. Got in my first (and last) "cat fight"
4. Got my braces off!
5. Life was no worries and fabulous
10 years ago. . .1998
1. Moved into our first house after being married 3 years--it seemed so huge!
2. Had baby number 2, Brayden
3. Brett graduated from ISU
4. Got into scrapbooking
5. Quit working as an RN to stay home with the kids
6. Life was simple and sweet
5 years ago. . .2003
1. Had baby number 4, Nate
2. Called to serve in the cub scouts
3. Brayden started kindergarten determined to "out do" his older brother at everything
4. Got new carpet in our house :)
5. Run my first 10k fun run
6. Life was not as simple, but still sweet
3 years ago. . . 2005
1. Had baby number 5, Kacie
2. Still in cub scouts
3. Turned 30! Aaah!
4. Our house doesn't seem so huge anymore. Started looking for land to build a house
5. Life was busy and sweet
1 year ago . . .2007
1. Had no babies!
2. Bought land to build a house on
3. Nate and Kacie discover they are the best partners in crime ever!
4. Took the kids to Disneyland
5. Still in cub scouts
6. Life is a blurr, but sweet
6 months ago . . .
1. Building on the house has started
2. Zach is getting ready to start middle school (now I feel old)
3. Discover the wonderful world of spinning and I am addicted!
4. The family goes to Cancun--Ole!
5. Still in cub scouts
6. Any control of life I thought I had before 5 kids has flown out the window--but it's sweet!
So far this year. . .
1. We moved into our house!
2. Haley was baptised
3. NOT in cub scouts
4. New motto--Live your Best Life!
This year I hope to . . .
1. Potty train Kacie--its about time!
2. Get a yard put in
3. Go on vacation
4. Get settled in this house!
5. Make new friends
6. Celebrate 13th wedding anniversary
7. Live my Best Life! :)