Sunday, September 12, 2010

River Rock Youth Triathon

Brayden participated in a youth triathlon yesterday. He did great! I was so impressed that he (and all the other kids) jumped into the FREEZING pond water! What a trooper.

Brayden and his friend Kody before it started.

finished with the swimming! Brayden getting out of the ice water!
Coming in from the biking. I think he might be thawed by now.
Crossing the finish line! Yay! By the look on his face I think he is really glad its over!
They gave everyone a finishers medal. It was such a fun event and they did such a good job putting it together. They had a raffle at the end and Brayden won an Oral-B sonic toothbrush! I was going to take it, but he said "I'm keepin' it!" Oh good, maybe we'll have less cavities now! I am really proud of Brayden for doing his best and finishing the race!! (did I mention the water was almost frozen!)


Debi said...

It has been cold, his friend was set in wearing a wetsuit. That's great that he did this, what a memory he'll have! How did he finish time wise? How far was each event? Good for him!! Hope he had a great day yesterday for his b-day!

Alison said...

That really is AWESOME! Way to go Brayden!