Monday, October 5, 2009

Snow in October!

We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. The kids were really excited for snow and couldn't wait to get out and play!

Haley with her huge snow ball.
It takes two baby. . .it takes two. . . .me and you!

This one took the whole gang to roll. What great teamwork!

Bella loved the snow, too. She wanted to "help".

My cute little snow angels!

Zach and Bella get the job done!
It was fun, but now I'm ready for it to melt. Zach has a football game tonight--should be fun, or cold at least!!


Debi said...

What the heck? Why weren't they at school? Did you call in so they could play in the snow? I HATE this snow! Try and stay warm at his game tonight : ) Love you

Alison said...

Those snowballs are huge! How fun. Did they go out to play before school like mine did? They were up at the crack of dawn, played for an hour and then went to school with wet coats, snowpants and gloves. Ooops! So glad it is now all melted!!!