Friday, March 13, 2009

In Loving Memory

The beginning of the week was really rough for our family. We had to say good by to our dear friend, Tess. She got really sick and there just wasn't anything the vet could do to save her. We are lucky to have spent the past 5 1/2 years with such a sweet dog. We have many fond memories with her and will miss her greatly!


tonyandalli said...

Poor, Sweet Tess. We will miss her too.

Debi said...

So sorry Kara, I know how hard that was for you guys! She was such a kind and gentle dog with all the kids:) Love you guys!

Alison said...

Oh I'm so sorry! She was a nice dog and 5 1/2 years is a long time. Do you think you'll get another one?

Katie Russell said...

Sorry to hear about Tess. How sad for your family.

tonyandalli said...

Hey Kara- this is Alli again. Jen wants to be added to your list so she can read all your shtuff: